How are the last few months of the year going for you? Many leaders today are frightened by the recession, which has entered the market. Challenges are immense in the life of a leader.
One of my coaching clients, Marc, didn’t fall into the role of a director of operations by chance. Over many years, he’s built his skills and produced strong results.
Taking the Director job was the next logical step. When Marc contacted my team for coaching with me, he felt stuck in the role of a director for the last five years. His first question to me on our introduction call was this ‘Payal, how can I lead with impact and get myself and the organization to the next level?’
Well, I have coached many people like Marc in my life who want to be better leaders and get to the next level but are often unable to get there.
Successful leaders work on themselves to bring about a transformation in their thoughts and behaviors, so they lead with power and humility. Because I have access privately to some of these highly successful and well-known leaders in the world, I can tell you outright how they think — and behave.
If you want to lead with impact and take yourself and your organization to the next level, my friend, there is work you need to do on yourself. You’ve got to know what and how to bring about a transformation in yourself.
Please take this leadership self-assessment based on my new book Win The Leadership Game. By now, more than 15000 professionals have taken this assessment to check where they are on the leadership scale.
I hope your choices determine your success.
Your Good Friend + Mentor
Payal Nanjiani
Leadership Expert | Author| Executive Coach
Connect with me on Instagram here @payal Nanjiani
Date : 10 DECEMBER, 2022