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In my work with some of the top leaders, I have found that the greatest predictor of success for leaders is not their charisma or influence. It is not personality, attractiveness, or even innovative genius. Instead, it is positive relational energy. This one factor supersedes all others, acting as a cornerstone of leadership excellence.

The energy exchanged between people is what helps uplift and renew them. Leaders exhibit relational energy, which can be either positive or negative. However, the most successful leaders, those who have reached the top, possess a highly contagious positive relational energy. This energy fuels trust, motivation, and collaboration within their teams.

Ultimately, how you connect with people has the biggest impact on your success as a leader. Your ability to foster and share positive relational energy determines not just the quality of your relationships but also the trajectory of your leadership journey.

Your Good Friend and Mentor

Payal Nanjiani


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