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Season of Reflection

I hope you are gearing up for the holiday season. It’s approaching fast. The year 2021 seems to have passed by quickly. We’ve all had our shares of disappointments and opportunities this year. And I know, you being a great leader, must have embraced it all to finish strong. Along with you, I am eager to welcome 2022. In fact recently while speaking at the World HR Congress, I spoke to the leaders about the importance of the season of reflection. For many leaders the last two weeks of the year are for relaxing with family, going out on a vacation, or completing some home projects. But some of the most successful leaders have a different agenda for the holiday season. Along with family time, they use the last two weeks of the year for reflection. They take time to see what worked and what did not. They think about the coming year and write some ideas. They clear up backlogs. They read while sipping hot chocolate. In my own life, I have practiced the ritual of reflection every year for the past 11 years and it worked miraculously. I encourage you to do the same and see the difference as you welcome 2022. Here are some insightful reflective questions for you to begin working on

  • Where am I currently in my career?

  • Where do I want to reach in my career?

  • What are some actions I need to take to get there?

  • What do I need to do to improve myself?

  • Is my way of thinking helping me to achieve my goals?

  • Am I holding on to something I need to let go of?

I wish you a happy Season of Reflection and I look forward to being of value in your leadership journey in 2022.

Your Friend + Mentor

Payal Nanjiani





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