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In this episode of The Payal Nanjiani Leadership Podcast, Payal Nanjiani a Leadership expert, world-renowned executive coach and a New York award-winning author goes one on one with Ramona Jackson, chief staff of the CIO, Sr Director, IT Strategy and Planning. You can listen to the full episode on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or Google podcasts.

Payal: What are some of the mindset and behavior changes in the team that have taken place today?

Ramona: We have to be more flexible with each other. Everybody in the world is dealing with the same situation of multiple family members working from home, children doing schooling from home, family challenges. If we are in an online meeting and your child walks in the room , it's okay, we laugh about it. Let's be flexible with time , with your situation . Employees are beginning to open up more. They are beginning to be more transparent with their surroundings and situations and their life outside . people are really starting to support one another and be okay with whatever is happening.

Payal: What are your proven strategies for unlocking the growth potential of your virtual?

Ramona: Unwavering support. As a leader your employee has to know that you have their back in any situation. When you are leading a team, you are accountable for everything that team does. You have to go in with that mindset and always have that support. Your employee has to know that you are there backing them 100%.Second, help your employees find what they are passionate about. Employees are at their best when they are passionate about what they are doing. Align them to work. That challenges them and also gives them a sense of pride and finally you also have to ask employees to do things that make them uncomfortable because those are the things that stretch employees. We also have to stretch them out of their comfort zone.

Payal: What are some of the attributes you consider in a winning team?

Ramona: Mutual respect for each other. When you are at work, you need to respect each other. Challenge each other . Support each other and most importantly hold each other accountable. Sense of accountability from a leadership respect ,from an individual respect. Be accountable for what you say you are going to do.

Payal: If you were to leave the listeners with some tips on how they can equip their teams to succeed in the crisis, what would be your top three that you must do because it will help your team to succeed?

Ramona: Frequent connections, check in with them. Flexibility. Try to understand the dynamics going on and be flexible. Transparency. Being transparent as a leader, enables your employees to be transparent with you.

“Be accountable for what you say you are going to do”

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