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What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in companies? #ASKPAYAL

Question:- What are some strategies that can help women achieve a more prominent role in companies?

Payal's response:

I feel women are revolutionizing the business world today. A lot is happening in the industry globally concerning women entering the workplace, pay equity, as well as taking on leadership roles. So I think we’ve all come a long way and have a lot to achieve in the future too. Below are three key strategies you could apply to help progress into leadership roles.

1. Break free from stereotypes:

We get conditioned on how we’re expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves. Any type of stereotype that either the society or you hold on to damages your progress. Start to let go of these stereotypes one by one. Don’t aim for being perfect in everything, don’t work to make someone else proud of you, stop begging people to trust in you and your talents. Start taking charge, start trusting your decisions, be bold and communicate assertively. Changing people’s deep-rooted beliefs about you is hard unless you start to first change them within you.

2. Challenge yourself daily:

Someone said, “if something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” Accomplishing things that feel impossible is a great way to start boosting your confidence. Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. There are many ways I have encouraged women to work on themselves daily. It has proven to help them tremendously in their career.

3. Increase your value:

Many women aren't setting themselves up for a disciplined career life. Are you continuously upgrading your skill sets, do you invest in developing yourself, do you read books daily for an hour, do you enroll in seminars and training regularly? Salary raises and promotions require you to go beyond office hours. My upcoming podcast episode is on increasing your value.

4. Self -promote:

No one is coming from anywhere to put you up on the map- you have to do it. Self-promotion is critical here. Bring your value on the table, focus and talk about what you can do for the company, and promote yourself.

Hope this is of much value to you in your journey to success.

Your Friend + Mentor

Payal Nanjiani

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