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Your hard work will not get you there !

I hope you have decided to be nearer to your next level, whatever that would be for you.

And I would not want you to be like the millions of people out there in the workforce who believe that if they are smart and hardworking, it’s going to get them to their next level.

Until now, I’ve coached numerous leaders around the globe. And I’ve observed how they kill themselves at their jobs — working late and on weekends, happy hour networking, staying in close proximity to the boss, taking up more work, and sacrificing themselves and their aspirations.

And let me tell you, these leaders are *invaluable* to their company. Which means that, instead of letting them rise, their boss sees them as a taskmaster, holding them back and keeping them exactly where they are because they know that no one else would do this much work.

That’s part of why I wrote my book Win The Leadership Game Every Time, because I want to take you into a world of elite cut throat competition and show you how to move ahead from where you are in ways that go beyond hard and smart work.

Too many leaders have become accustomed to “giving their best” at their job, so there is cutthroat competition among the so-called “hardworking and smart people” in the organization.

And hard work does not move you much from where you are to where you want to be.

You need to analyze your game and play it differently now, or else someone around you will be more than happy to leverage your weakness.

Good luck, and more power to you.

I hope this helps in your journey towards success, Your Friend + Mentor Payal Nanjiani

Connect with me on Instagram here @payal Nanjiani

Date : 10 February, 2023


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